Monday 5 October 2015

What to Pack for a Year Abroad

I was overwhelmed when I first realised that I was going to have to pack my life into a suitcase. It seemed like an impossible task - how could I fit in everything I needed? I could have bought two more suitcases, but instead I set myself the challenge of fitting it all in to one 20kg suitcase, and one 10kg bag. It's actually worked out very well, so I thought I would write a basic list of what to include in your packing.


4x t-shirts
3x jumpers
2/3x smart tops 
3x pairs of jeans/trousers (2x old, 1x smart)
2x skirts/shorts (I think shorts are better, they're much more practical)
2x jackets (one for summer, one for winter)
A scarf, a hat, a pair of gloves, sunglasses
2x smart outfits that you can mix and match (always good to have this option, it can seem rude if you turn up underdressed)

1x boots
1x trainers
2x flats

You'll need your phone and whatever else you have, e.g. a laptop, and chargers
You may need plug adapters depending on where you live

Make up
Conditioner (don't bother saving space by buying the travel size ones, they're somehow more expensive than the regular size!)
Books (always take at least one thing that is written in your mother tongue, you'll start to really miss it after a few weeks)
A few photos from home
Postcards, paper, pens, envelopes etc. so you can write to friends and family (or you could save paper and utilise the tools of the 21st century and just send them an email instead)
Money. Always take a little bit of money out with you, just in case you need something before you get paid. Convert it before you go abroad to reduce the stress

And that's about it. If you're going to Germany remember to bring a pair of flip flops or slippers (or both) with you, as the Germans have a thing about bare feet inside, and always wear 'house shoes'. 

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